Public pages on external websites ================================= The public contents of t-Point are reachable through the ``/public/``-Route (``/public/de`` for german contents). To use the public contents of t-Point on your Organisation-Website, we provide the following integration methods: 'regular' Page-view ------------------- + The Bundle can be accessed via link `./public` where the default System-Lang is loaded. + Access the Bundle via `./public/{_locale}` to translate the page-contents Access the Pages via normal Link: .. code-block:: html .. note:: **** is used by default in this examples. Of course, you have to replace it with the the root-URL of your t-Point installation. 'iframe'-View ------------- This is the easiest method to integrate. Use any URL from above and add ``?view=frame`` and embedd it as `` If you want to see the whole iframe-content whithout the scrollbars, use the following: .. code-block::html Alternative non-jQuery method: .. code-block:: html .. note:: The "+20" is used to ensure the complete height of the body, if it is adapted via css (``margin``) JS-Sources: & JSON ---- For the use on public websites, the contents are available as JSON-Data. They can be loaded e.g. via 'curl' from external servers. - In the public area, the main json page (````) shows the Json-links to the available informations. - Use your perferered locale in the link, and add '.json'. example: ``./public/de.json`` You can insert the Contents of the Pages e.g. via JS (see: `stackoverflow`_) or any script-language you prefer. The main URLs (with the important data visible) are listed here .. code-block:: html If you open this URLs (and there is some public content for each type), you can see some links to the sub-contents with the following Keys in each JSON-Object - ``link``: Link to the destination-page with the detailed information - ``inframe``: Link to content, displayed in a frame or popup - ``json_detail``: Link to detailed JSON-Array of the current Object JSONP """"" The Json URL can have a parameter **callback** to the URL as Query (e.g. ``?callback=jsonpFunction``). This works with all JSON-Resources. Then, you can get the data from this source on a external page with the following code: .. code-block:: html RSS --- You can use the RSS-Feeds of the Data to read the Contents via Feed-Reader or implement them via Programming-Language (e.g. via `PHP`_) The access-links to the feeds are the same as the json-Links (with suffix ``.rss``) .. code-block:: html Projects: Events: Contacts: --- no RSS-Feed available - use the Json-Data! Reports: Examples links show how to load the Feeds via javascript/jQuery on a webpage: - - - - Additional Infos: - The Feed is not accessible for Contact-Data - The Feed contains Links to the 'Frame-View'-Detail-Page of the content. - The Feed contains the Company Logo (which is used in the Page-Navbar of the system). vCard ----- You can download the vCard of all public Contacts. To reach this, you have different methods. - Contact-List: click on the download Icon (|downloadIcon|) to get the vcf-file. - Contact-Detail: click on the download Icon (|downloadIcon|) - JSON-Data: The vCard-Content is embedded to the JSON-Response of ```` as vCard-key of each Contact. - For further processing of Contact-Informations, the json_detail of each Contact contains the `formatted contact`_ as `JSON-LD`_ Object. Links to the current Ressources ------------------------------- When the System is installed properly, you can see the list of the 'real' links to your specific resources in the Admin-Section of the Bundle. Log in to your Symfony-Instance and go to your Public section. If you have the ``ROLE_ADMIN`` added to your User-Security, you can see a link in the left navigation called "**Admin-Links**" ( .. _stackoverflow: .. _formatted contact: .. _JSON-LD: .. _PHP: .. |downloadIcon| image:: /images/download-icon.png :alt: download-icon