Twig-Extensions =============== TwigTpointExtensions """""""""""""""""""" Some of the Filters & Functions in the **TwigTpointExtension** (``tpoint\CoreBundle\Twig\Extensions\TwigTpointExtensions()``). (`See the full List here. `_) * formatTime * formatDate * getTimeDifference * getDecimalTime * . * highlight() * max_chars * slugify * byteFormatter * publicEmail TwigTypeTestTwigExtension """"""""""""""""""""""""" This File contains the tests from the `Craft-TwigTypeTest `_ by Victor In. (MIT, Copyright 2014) This Tests can be used as follows: .. code-block:: html {% set test_var = craft.entries %} {% if test_var is of_type('object') %} true {% endif %}