
Get the code

First of all you have to clone the tpoint-standard repository and change into the cloned directory.

$ git clone

After the clone has finished, you can change to the cloned directory, and checkout the desired version of Sulu:

$ cd tpoint-standard
$ git checkout 1.2

Install dependencies

We use composer to install the correct versions of tpoint’s dependencies:

$ composer install

At the end of the installation you will be asked for some parameters. The following table describes these parameters, whereby most of the default values should be fine for simple installations.

Parameter Description
database_driver Defines which database driver will be used
database_host The address of the server, on whch the database is running
database_port The port number to access the database on that server
database_name The name of the database
database_user The name of the database user
database_password The password of the database user
mailer_transport The protocol to send mails (currently not used)
mailer_host The server from which the mails will be sent (currently not used)
mailer_user The username for sending mails (currently not used)
mailer_password The password for sending mails (currently not used)
locale The default locale for the system
secret An unique key needed by the symfony framework A name, which will be shown in the administration interface Administrator email address
content_fallback_intervall The intervall in milliseconds, between content preview update in the http polling mode
websocket_port The port which will be used for the content preview in the http polling mode
websocket_url The url which will be used for the content preview in the http polling mode
phpcr_backend The PHPCR backend definition, defaults to the doctrine-dbal, check for more configuration options
phpcr_workspace The PHPCR workspace which will be used
phpcr_user The user for phpcr
phpcr_pass The password for phpcr
phpcr_cache PHPCR caching type