Public pages on external websites

The public contents of t-Point are reachable through the /public/-Route (/public/de for german contents).

To use the public contents of t-Point on your Organisation-Website, we provide the following integration methods:

‘regular’ Page-view

  • The Bundle can be accessed via link ./public where the default System-Lang is loaded.
  • Access the Bundle via ./public/{_locale} to translate the page-contents

Access the Pages via normal Link:

Note is used by default in this examples.

Of course, you have to replace it with the the root-URL of your t-Point installation.


This is the easiest method to integrate. Use any URL from above and add ?view=frame and embedd it as <iframe>

Differences to the “regular” Pages, when used with Frame-View:

  • There are no navbar, navigation and other System-relating contents visible on the site.
  • The Sub-Pages are opened in a new Popup-Window

Simply add the following line to your HTML-Code in your website:

Caution: If you use a CMS, make sure, that the content is inserted as (unformatted) HTML-Text

<iframe src=""
    id="projectFrame" style="width: 100%; height: 400px; border: none;"></iframe>

If you want to see the whole iframe-content whithout the scrollbars, use the following:

Alternative non-jQuery method:

<iframe src=""
    id="projectFrame" onload="iframeLoaded()"></iframe>
    function iframeLoaded() {
        var iFrameID = document.getElementById('projectFrame');
        if(iFrameID) {
                (iFrameID.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight+20) + "px";


The “+20” is used to ensure the complete height of the body, if it is adapted via css (margin)

JS-Sources: &


For the use on public websites, the contents are available as JSON-Data. They can be loaded e.g. via ‘curl’ from external servers.

  • In the public area, the main json page ( shows the Json-links to the available informations.
  • Use your perferered locale in the link, and add ‘.json’. example: ./public/de.json

You can insert the Contents of the Pages e.g. via JS (see: stackoverflow) or any script-language you prefer.

The main URLs (with the important data visible) are listed here

If you open this URLs (and there is some public content for each type), you can see some links to the sub-contents with the following Keys in each JSON-Object

  • link: Link to the destination-page with the detailed information
  • inframe: Link to content, displayed in a frame or popup
  • json_detail: Link to detailed JSON-Array of the current Object


The Json URL can have a parameter callback to the URL as Query (e.g. ?callback=jsonpFunction). This works with all JSON-Resources.

Then, you can get the data from this source on a external page with the following code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function getData(data) {
<script src="


You can use the RSS-Feeds of the Data to read the Contents via Feed-Reader or implement them via Programming-Language (e.g. via PHP)

The access-links to the feeds are the same as the json-Links (with suffix .rss)

Contacts:       --- no RSS-Feed available - use the Json-Data!

Examples links show how to load the Feeds via javascript/jQuery on a webpage:

Additional Infos:

  • The Feed is not accessible for Contact-Data
  • The Feed contains Links to the ‘Frame-View’-Detail-Page of the content.
  • The Feed contains the Company Logo (which is used in the Page-Navbar of the system).


You can download the vCard of all public Contacts. To reach this, you have different methods.

  • Contact-List: click on the download Icon (download-icon) to get the vcf-file.
  • Contact-Detail: click on the download Icon (download-icon)
  • JSON-Data: The vCard-Content is embedded to the JSON-Response of as vCard-key of each Contact.
  • For further processing of Contact-Informations, the json_detail of each Contact contains the formatted contact as JSON-LD Object.