

  1. Directory-Permissions:

  2. Database

    $ php app/console doctrine:migrations:diff
    $ php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  3. Assets

    $ npm install -g grunt-cli
    $ npm install
    $ npm run build-assets
  4. Composer Optimizations, Cronjob, ...

  5. Fixtures

    $ php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Refer to the Installation-File for an extended explanation of all Commands:

Create a new user

In order to login into t-Point, you need to create a User. This can be achived by executing the following commands (extended from the FOS-Commands):

$ php app/console tpoint:user:create testuser
$ php app/console tpoint:user:promote testuser ROLE_ADMIN

The first command creates a new User which is already activated. The second line adds the ROLE_ADMIN to the new user (don’t execute this, if you don’t want to have an admin).

It is suggested to generate the User via loading of the Database-Fixtures (prefill the DB). The user is denn generated with permissions & roles, and has the default login-credentials (Username admin, Password administrator)

$ app/console doctrine:fixtures:load


Do not load the fixtures into an existing Database, because all of the Contents will be overwritten!!