
In t-Point the system can be customized in multiple options. The

In Sulu a template consists of multiple content types, whereby a content type describes the way the data is stored in the database and how to enter them in the administration interface. Pages in the Sulu content section will be based on one of these templates.

On this page there are the available content types described, how to define these values in our template configuration file, what you should consider when creating the HTML templates, and finally how to connect the data from Sulu to the HTML template.

Available parameters

The following list shows the parameters delivered by a standard t-Point installation. The first column shows the key, which acts as an unique identifier. The second one describes the value and the last one describes the appearance and usage.

Key Value(s) Appearance
database_*   define the database-connection
mailer_*   define the connection for the mailer
locale en, de, it or fr default Locale, language fallback [1]
currency EUR,USD,... used currency in the system
secret (random) random value for form-token generate
systemName: ‘tPoint-Local Instance’
system_id: telesis
display_appName: false
logo_path: img/header/logo-%system_id%.svg
system_logo: ‘’
https_base [URL|null] base-url of the system [2]
availableLanguages -en, -de, ... list of accessable languages [3]
availableRoles   list of existing, usable roles
cdn_path_prod {‘//’} or {} base url to the assets when hosted on a cdn
assets_version string (e.g. v1, v2, v2394) assets: to avoid cache on new style-versions
recaptcha_*   _public & _private keys for reCaptcha
debug_*   debug settings (only used in dev-env)
npm_bin /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin path to NPM (used in assetic)
less_* paths to .less files (%kernel.root_dir%) path to the less files/additions for styles
helpLink url (with https) or ‘mailto:'-Link link to help - inserted in user-nav [4]
helpRoute existing route to help-page alternative to helpLink [4]
useXSendfileMod true|false only for apache-servers (usage for files)
simple_api_access string secret string for accessing /api/simple

Additional example-params from bundles:

    tpoint_event.hide_captcha: false
    tpoint_report.fundingLogo: media/funding-logo.jpg

    lag_contact: 132
    funding_logo: bundles/tpointpublic/img/foerderlogos_ausdruck.png
    emptyAddressUseCompany: true


When the parameters are changed on a runnging installation, it is suggested to clear the prod-cache afterwards


Inside the bundles, multiple settings are defined via ‘bundle-parameters’. This means, that the main parameters.yml can be used to overwrite them (e.g. tpoint_event.hide_captcha: false)

Caution: On a system updated via composer (composer install or composer update) with a existing parameters.yml it is “reseted” to the contents of the parameters.yml.dist. For “permanent” updates, it is suggested to add the required key to the parameters.yml.dist or to use the config.yml:

    # ... additional configuration ...
    # ...
        # ...
[1]Take care that the selected default value must have been translated (Symfony-Translations and Gedmo-DB-Translations)
[2]base-url of the system, if accessed via https (null as default, or if the https-access is the same url as http)
[3]Take care that the selected languages must be translated.
[4](1, 2) If both help*-Params are empty or not defined, no help-link is displayed